It is very tough to write an ad that will distinguish you from the competition.  Google prevents EXCESSIVE CAPITALIZATION  or ===symbols==== or s o m e t h i n g  l i k e t h i s.  Its always surprising to us which ads perform better than others.  No matter how great you think your ad is we recommend writing at least 2 or 3.  Check back every few months to see which are performing the best and replace the poorly performing ads with new ones.  Some good things to talk about in the ads include:

  • Specials and Discounts – Talk about special pricing or unique offerings from your business
  • Call to action – “Call us today”, “Sign Up Now.”  These terms sound very generic, but they wouldn’t be used so often if they were not effective.
  • Keywords – Use the keywords you are advertising for in your ads.  These keywords will appear in bold in your ad if they match keywords in the search.

Destination URL is the page on your website where the user will be sent if they click on your ad.  This is usually the home page but if you are advertising for a specific product or service, you will want to send the user directly to the page on your website about that product or service.

Posted In: PPC

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